
Hylands Assists Customer to Successfully Retrieve Private Jet and Terminate the Lease


Hylands Law Firm has successfully assisted an offshore company to retrieve a private jet from a domestic business jet company and smoothly surrendered the lease of the jet. 

An overseas company, which is the owner of a Gulfstream business jet, leased the jet to a business jet company and entrusted it to provide escrow and operating lease services. The lease was not renewed by the overseas company upon the expiration of the lease period due to numerous defaults by the business aircraft company during the agreement period. However, the business jet company, by virtue of its advantageous position of controlling the jet for a long time, refused to cooperate and even obstructed the completion of the aircraft surrender and retrieval process. 

A team of attorneys from Hylands has leveraged its professional legal knowledge and experience to work with the relevant teams to actively communicate with the Civil Aviation Administration of China and achieved legal transfer of ownership of the aircraft. Meanwhile, the team has been actively addressing the legal procedures related to the business aircraft company's application for seizure of the aircraft, and successfully persuaded the local court to accept our opinion and reject the request of the business aircraft company to seize the aircraft; and simultaneously communicated with the airport where the aircraft was located, customs and other authorities, urged related entities to help cooperate with the work of retrieving the aircraft, and finally achieved the retrieval of the aircraft expeditiously and successfully stopped the loss for the customer in time. 

In the process of the legal services, the team of lawyers from Hylands demonstrated their professional legal skills, on the basis of in-depth understanding of the demands of the customer, the team has made timely and efficient communication with various authorities, flexibly applied legal knowledge and business judgment, overcame various difficulties and obstacles, actively coordinated various procedures, and finally successfully achieved the successful retrieval of the aircraft. 

Partners Jie TIAN, Hong FENG, Jinjin SU, Weijia ZENG, etc. have provided legal services for the entire Project, which guaranteed the smooth operation of all aspects of the jet surrender and retrieval, provided professional and comprehensive legal services for the client, and maximized the protection of the rights and interests of the client.