Automobile & Manufacturing

Automobile & Manufacturing

Hylands automobile and manufacturing team is composed of professionals with substantial experience in legal services in the manufacturing industry, especially the general counsel (chief compliance officers) from the Fortune-500 companies in the automotive field and experts from leading companies in the industry. The team provides high-quality legal-industry integration services and can provide legal services for clients involving design, development, manufacturing, sales, service, trade, investment, financing, M&A, intellectual property, compliance management and other aspects covering the whole industrial chain of automobile and manufacturing industry. The team has a precise awareness of the legal, policy orientation and business circumstances of the automobile and manufacturing industry and the ability to gain timely insights into the regulatory environment and transaction risks. Hylands can customize commercial and legal service solutions that meet the different needs of clients and assist to prevent and control risks, improving operational efficiency, and supporting to develop their business without hindrances.

Hylands automobile and manufacturing team has provided high-quality and efficient legal services involving dispute resolution, M&A, intellectual property, compliance risk management, perennial legal advice and other services for Fortune-500 companies in the automotive field, large manufacturing enterprise groups, listed companies in the automobile and manufacturing industry and other enterprises, which was duly recognized by the clients and the industry.


  • M&A
    For clients working in the automobile and manufacturing industry involved in M&A business, Hylands provides legal services for the whole process such as designing and planning transaction structure and industry policy consultation, drafting, reviewing and negotiating contract documents, assisting in approval and anti-monopoly investigation, and assisting in the delivery and post-project management.
  • Compliance Risk Management
    Hylands is known for its one-stop, all-around, whole process and integrated professional compliance risk management solutions. The scope of services involves the establishment of corporate compliance management systems and the formulation of compliance strategy, as well as the integrative construction plans of law, compliance, internal control and risk management. Hylands can also provide compliance services in key areas such as anti-monopoly investigation, data protection, product quality, intellectual property, labor employment, criminal compliance, etc. and improve the compliance operation mechanism and compliance risk library, the effectiveness review of the compliance system and compliance training.
  • Intellectual Property
    Hylands is successful at providing all-round legal services involved in the construction of intellectual property management system and formulation of intellectual property strategy, the implementation of intellectual property standards and system improvement, the full legal services in the creation, application and protection of intellectual property, especially in patent layout, patent early warning and analysis, registration and protection of difficult and complex trademarks.
  • Dispute Resolution
    For clients in the automobile and manufacturing industry involved in contract disputes (including but not limited to disputes related to technology contracts, sales contracts, contracts for work, leasing contracts and other contracts involved in the whole industrial chain of automobile and manufacturing industry), product quality disputes, tort liability disputes, M&A disputes, investment and financing disputes, policy subsidy disputes, intellectual property disputes, etc. Hylands provides legal services for formulating negotiation plans and constructive and operative dispute resolutions, litigation and arbitration strategies.


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