Compliance & Government Regulation

Compliance & Government Regulation

Hylands compliance and government regulation team focuses on compliance and government regulation theory research and innovative compliance practice, committed to being a leader in integrated compliance practices. The team is composed of chief compliance officers from Fortune 500 companies, experts from the National Corporate Compliance Council and experienced professionals in compliance management and government regulation, with abundant experience in successfully providing compliance and government regulation services to large SOEs and private companies. Hylands compliance and government regulation team is well versed in the policies and practices of compliance management and government regulation, providing clients with one-stop, all-round, whole-process and integrated professional compliance and government regulation solutions, with services covering a wide range of fields.


  • Compliance Management System Construction Consulting
    Hylands provides clients with all-round consulting services about the construction of compliance management systems, including assisting clients in estimating current status of compliance management, figuring out and optimizing compliance risk lists, formulating compliance management plans and programs or implementation plans, improving organizational responsibilities, strengthening compliance systems (basic systems with special compliance guidelines, processes, forms, templates, etc. of key fields, key links, key personnel and important operational mechanisms), strengthening the construction of compliance group, promoting the compliance security mechanism and supervision mechanism, improving the construction of corporate compliance culture, etc. In the meantime, according to clients' needs, Hylands can appropriately customize integrated construction solutions and one-stop review mechanisms of law, compliance, internal control and risk management.
  • Compliance Management System Review
    Based on laws, regulations, regulatory documents and applicable compliance management system accreditation standards, simultaneously taking into account the actual situations of clients, Hylands can review the effectiveness of the clients' compliance management systems, raise suggestions and recommendations for rectification, and assist them in improving the compliance management systems. In the meantime, the team assists clients in passing accreditation of applicable standards like ISO37301.
  • Improvement of Compliance Management Operational Mechanism
    Combined with the current status of clients' compliance management systems, Hylands assists clients in improving compliance management mechanisms, including compliance risk identification and assessment mechanism, compliance audit and consulting mechanism, compliance risk warning, response and reporting mechanism, compliance reporting and investigation mechanism, joint session mechanism, supervision and evaluation mechanism, etc., helping to enhance the effectiveness of compliance management requirements.
  • Compliance Services in Key Fields
    Taking into account the clients' actual situation and balancing cost and efficiency, Hylands assists clients in reasonably delineating key fields of compliance management. Hylands specializes in handling compliance matters in competition and antitrust investigation, data protection, product quality, intellectual property, labor employment, criminal compliance and other key fields, providing professional and efficient compliance services to clients.
  • Government Regulation Response
    Combined with clients' actual situation, Hylands assists clients in actively responding to the constant changes of government regulatory legislation and implementation of law, and adapting to changes in the external environment especially the economic environment. Besides, Hylands assists clients in handling major and complex government investigations, administrative disputes and crisis management of major cases.
  • Compliance Training
    Combined with the current status of clients' compliance management systems, Hylands assists clients in formulating compliance training plans or training programs and improving the normalized compliance training systems. Hylands provides clients with professional training in compliance theory and practice, covering the full range of compliance management.


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